Monday 17 September 2007

Kelsey Moves Into The Dorms

Kelsey had her 18th birthday the day after she moved into the dorms and the day before we left for England. She became a legal adult right before we abandoned her.

We tried to get her mostly moved in before we left, but I'm sure that she has made a lot of finishing touches to the room, 3212 Taylor Hall-Helaman Halls.

This is Kelsey at her first BYU game as a BYU student. She had seats on the 7th row!!

We hear that she is having a great time and keeping very busy.


Emily said...

Yeah Kelsey! Looks like she is having a great time. Are those IKEA boxes I see on the shelf?

Kelsey and Matt (but he doesn't blog) said...

Yes those are Ikea boxes on the shelves, along with an Ikea bed spread and other organizaton things.