Wednesday 19 September 2007

1st Day Trip; Bodiam, Battle, & Rye

The first stop was Bodiam Castle. We had never been there before and loved it. We climbed to the top of every tower, wandered through the rooms and watched the film.

The next stop was the sight of the Battle of Hastings. We got our first sprinkles of rain there, but it was still great. We wandered the battlefield then explored the ruined Abbey.

Of course one of the favorite parts of these sights is always the gift shop and Hansen found his favorite gift shop toy. I'm sure we sill wonder why we made this purchase.

Our first visitors, the Santiagos arrived on Tuesday and came on the day trip with us. We think that they had fun, but are not sure about how they feel about the bunkbeds that they get to sleep on in our flat.

This picture is from the St. Mary's bell tower. It's a great view down to the red roof tops of Rye.


David and Kris Taylor said...

You are a blogger extraordinaire! I love it because I can steal images from your blog. Isn't technology wonderful?


David and Kris Taylor said...

Images of me, of course!


Emily said...

I love that day trip. It looks like you are having a great time!

will said...

Is this Jeff or Amy blogging like madness on fire? I can barely keep up. With all of the content you are offering, it's almost like I'm there.